Welcome to Multibrand
There’s something very satisfying about fixing things. At least, that’s the way we feel at Multibrand – it’s why we do what we do, our “raison d’etre". Some people have a religious calling, some are drawn to medicine or the legal profession…we just like to fix things.
You could be an individual customer, back from Spain with two weeks’ worth of washing and eyeing the pouring British rain and your broken tumble dryer with equal disdain. You could be a busy Procurement Officer wondering how you’re going to get a domestic fridge and a commercial washing machine at the same Housing Association site fixed. Whatever your situation, we’re the people you need to know.
Sadly, we can’t control the weather or influence when a machine breaks down but at least we’re here to help when you need us most.

Say Hello, Wave Goodbye…

Call Back Request
Any manufacturer, any age, any brand.

Efficient appliance repairs…made easy

Step 1.
You give us a call
Step 2.
Together we arrange an appointment